Jesuit fathers in Peking
3rd Jan 2023 - Blog
There is a new piece now posted in Early China books (read more) on the seven French Jesuit priests recruited
Bookplates, recording the previous ownership of books that might stretch across centuries, are not perhaps the most obvious of objects to get excited about. As dry as the old pages themselves. But there is often some sort of story associated with them, associations of ownership, notable people and events, curiosities, and some fine artwork. See the attached for an article on some of the bookplates in books on early New Zealand and early China.
3rd Jan 2023 - Blog
There is a new piece now posted in Early China books (read more) on the seven French Jesuit priests recruited
17th May 2023 - Blog
There has been a new post (read more), of four books that arise from, or have an interest in, the